Medication route & abbreviations

 Medication route & abbreviations

Medication routes of administration and medical abbreviations are important concepts in the medical field. Here is some information on both:

Medication Routes of Administration:

  • Oral: This is one of the most common routes of medication administration. Medications can be given in the form of tablets, capsules, liquids, mixtures, elixirs, emulsions, and syrups. The abbreviation for this route is PO (per os).
  • Topical: Medications can be given topically in the form of lotions, creams, ointments, and patches. The abbreviation for this route is TOP.
  • Inhalation: Medications can be given through inhalation in the form of metered aerosols or nebulizers. The abbreviation for this route is INH.
  • Injection: Medications can be given through injection in the form of intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), subcutaneous (SC), or intradermal (ID). The abbreviation for this route is INJ.
  • Rectal: Medications can be given through the rectum in the form of suppositories or enemas. The abbreviation for this route is PR.
  • Sublingual: Medications can be given under the tongue and dissolve. The abbreviation for this route is SL.
  • Vaginal: Medications can be given into the vagina. The abbreviation for this route is PV.

Medical Abbreviations:

  • PO: Per os (by mouth)
  • TOP: Topical
  • INH: Inhalation
  • INJ: Injection
  • PR: Per rectum (rectal)
  • SL: Sublingual
  • PV: Per vagina (vaginal)
  • IM: Intramuscular
  • SC: Subcutaneous
  • IV: Intravenous

It is important to note that while medical abbreviations are commonly used in the medical field, it is important to use them correctly and follow the guidelines set by the employer. Using incorrect abbreviations can lead to medication errors and patient harm.


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